Made from 1/3 topsoil, 1/3 peat and loam, 1/3 manure – this rich soil is ideal for the vast majority of landscaping applications.
- Recommended for any type of general-purpose planting.
- Can be directly planted into.
- Can be mixed with any existing soil.
- Ideal choice for filling new flower beds and fertilizing before laying sod.
- Helps break down clay conditions in soil and bulk up soil that is too sandy.
Composted Mushroom Manure
Fertilize your garden and yard the natural way. It does not get much more organic than this!
- Minimal odour (aged)
Generally recommended for use when significantly raising the grade of an area that you wish to cultivate with grass or leveling your yard.
- Can be used underneath new sodding
- For use when raising the existing grade of an area.
- Excellent for filling in swimming pools and leveling.

Top Dressing
A rich soil blend of peat, loam and composted manure intended for organically fertilizing your existing lawn.
- Excellent for over-seeding your lawn
- Suitable to most soil conditions
- Shredded for easy spreading
Picked up or Delivered to you by the Cubic Yard.
We offer both loose dump truck deliveries or in our cubic yard bags.
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