Contacting us is easy. Please feel free to e-mail any additional questions you may have that were not located on our Resources page or if you would like to place an order, please provide as much information as possible about delivery location and the items you are looking for.  You can also reach us by telephone to place an order six days a week.

 Phone: (416) 759-5656


Address: 53 Comstock Rd. (Warden & Eglinton)
Toronto, Ontario M1L 2G6


 Monday – Saturday: 9:00am to 5:00pm

 Sunday: 10:00am to 3:00pm

Contact Form

    Customer name: *

    Your Email Address: *

    Phone Number: *

    Address: *

    City: *


    Postal Code:

    Subject: *

    Interested in: *

    How did you hear about us? *

    Your Message: *

    *Indicates required field

    Please fill out our form with the following information:

    • Step 1: Your Name and Contact Information.
    • Step 2: The Address to be delivered to.
    • Step 3: The Products you would like to order and any questions you may have.
    • Step 4: We will promptly respond to your message via email or by telephone

    NOTE: We are currently accepting orders via email. Please be patient for the response as we are dealing with an overwhelming amount of call and email volume. We will try to respond as promptly as possible.

    For Your Security
    Your personal information, telephone number and email address is not distributed or shared to third parties.

    Comments are closed.